Athens takes home European Capital of Innovation Award for 2018

The city of Athens was awarded the prestigious European Capital of Innovation award for 2018, with a prize of 1 million euro being given to Greece’s capital for the unique ways it has sought to improve the everyday lives of its residents and to overcome social and economic challenges.

The prize money will be used to further promote innovation activity in Athens and foster collaboration with other cities. The runner-up cities  Aarhus in Denmark, Hamburg in Germany, Leuven in Belgium, Toulouse in France, and Umeå in Sweden, who each received 100,000 euros.

A total of 26 cities in 16 Member States applied to be considered for the European Capital of Innovation award which is funded by the EU research and innovation program Horizon 2020.

Among the initiatives promoted by City Hall, which secured the award for Athens, are the Polis project, which as helped in revamping abandoned buildings in the heart of the city and the Curing the Limbo scheme, which brings refugees and migrants into contact with other city residents with the aim of teaching them Greek and employment skills. The Digital Council, a city-sponsored scheme to promote digital solutions, both by boosting digital skills training and developing sustainable, tech-enabled smart city initiatives; and the renovation of the 90-year-old Kypseli Public Market, creating a “social entrepreneurship” market space to host exhibitions, workshops and other creative projects.

“Athens stands out as an example that a city facing many challenges can achieve great things. Through innovation,

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